Euro Trip- Day Zero

14 10 2006

So I sat down on my laptop planning to get some work done, something I’ve been postponing for the last 3 days… Music’s on, coffee ready, pack of Marlboro next to me… I have everything set except for my brain waves… so what do I do instead?I go through some of the pictures we took during our last trip to Europe… I then decided to write this belated post…Couldn’t sleep the night before our flight, I kept going over things in my mind: “Did I pack my brush? What about my pink pull, just in case it gets cold at night…? Rawan, for God’s sake, u checked the weather forecast like 20 times already, it is NOT cold, u packed everything u needed and we’ve been through this list a million times already… get some sleep, u have a long day ahead of you”.I had a real bad feeling about this trip, I wasn’t all that excited, and whoever knows me knows I can get extremely excited about going to 7aboub (a market place next to my office)! Yet here I was, on a 9-day vacation to Europe, and not excited! For some reason, I was scared… and I couldn’t explain it! It had nothing to do with the Pope’s speech of Islam, and the fact that visiting the Vatican was on our schedule… nor the Qa3ida’s threats to bomb Paris 2 days before we leave! After all the debating and change of plans, from Germany to Amsterdam to Paris, we finally settled on going to the 2 cities in Europe under threat… Sweeeeeet!Anyways, the day came, went to the airport, and there you go first disappointment I had was in the duty free center, I couldn’t find my Dunhills, ok fine, I’m not going to fret over this…”Passengers of flight # mish 3arfeh shu to Rome are requested to head to gate 10 for boarding”… it’s about time… Damn it, I can see a couple of infants waiting with their parents… ma 3aleina… aha, at last things are getting better, a cute Italian guy walked in the waiting area… “Amal, check this guy out” …”Passengers of flight # mish 3arfeh shu to Rome are kindly requested to head to Gate 12″… 12?!!! What, why, fiiiine, twelve twelve …elmuhem netla3… “We’re sorry, please move back to Gate 10″… what the @!#!@$!@%$!@%!Mashi, we finally boarded, and let me tell u something; RJ still sucks, 2al screen lekol mwaten 2al… Bull!! The service sucks, the food sucks and Holy shit! They call this an EXIT seat! My feet are going to bloat like a balloon by the time we get to Rome! Perfect, just perfect…Featured film … March of the Penguins :SMa 3aleina betoul hal sulafeh… wela agulko… tawalat kteer wallah…To be continued…Stay tuned to learn about the Bronx moving to Rome, our lovely 2 star hotel room, how I almost caught Pneumonia, and Amal and Rami’s close encounter with food poisoning … till then i leave you with these pictures 🙂   Desperate attempt to learn Italian 10 minutes before boarding!

First of many… the cute Italian at the airport


Rami, Amal and myself…  


Exit seat space… Oh my poor Ankles 😥


Za7ma ya donia za7ma



6 responses

14 10 2006

I hate it when this happens…
come on update this blog and tell me what happened. I’m dying to know how Rami got angry lol
Come on plz 😥

15 10 2006

No Marwan, I am sorry, you will not know why I got angry. That’s something that happened in Paris and will stay in Paris.

15 10 2006

Funny how when you feel the worst is coming, it comes at the end! Or maybe its just our imagination :S

I’d like to know more about Rome and the Vatican City. Ever since i finished reading Angels and Demons i’ve been obsessed with it.

Awaiting the next post 🙂

27 10 2006

i had that freaking emergency seat too.
modefet il RJ -the only one with full makeup-, didn’t she compliment your hair and asked you how you do it?
as i type this,, guess who’s on tv? asala

1 11 2006

First time here.

First of all, thanks a lot for linking to my “Reggalet Haaretna” story. I came by your blog by accident a while ago and it really made my day to see that you linked to the story.

Second, I was planning for a while now to write about a euro trip I made with my brother and my intention has been to use the same title you turned out to be using, at least the prefix “Euro-trip”. Now after seeing that you’ve used it, I said to myself that the least thing I could do is inform you of the similarity so as not to look as if I stole it from you.

Thanks a lot, please be my guest and re-visit my blog to read about my euro-trip.

17 08 2008

really i love ur blog…and i dont know why i choose this topic to read……ur good when u talk……hope u have nice trip and i think i will read all……….u have great smile never stop……!

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